Fall Season Training
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Black Forest Regional Park
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Black Forest Regional Park
Started 8/19/2024 | Ends 10/16/2024
We are the Falcons
The North Colorado Springs (NCOS) Falcons was started as a youth rugby club in 2008 by coach Riel du Toit. The club started with a handful of very young players, and today offer teams in every age group from 6-year-old through high school seniors. In 2018, our high school team became Colorado State Champions.
Our philosophy at the Falcons are based on the following principles:
We do not teach rugby, we teach kids to fall in love with the greatest sport in the world
We teach respect
We train future leaders
We encourage fitness, team work, and a balanced life-style
We give the disadvantaged kids among our community a chance and a safe place to practice an exciting, fast growing sport
Our mission is to help change rugby in the USA and make our players Eagles.
We are constantly adding new players to the Falcons family. To learn more, meet with one of our coaches or attend a practice, please use the Contact us link

Falcons Youth Rugby Season 2024
Official YOUTH practices will start on Tuesday, May 16, 2024. Due to field availability, we will have TWO DIFFERENT practice venues this spring season.
Black Forest Regional Park from May 16 – May 30, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5.30-7:00 pm, Fox Run
Black Forest Regional Park ~ 4800 Shoup Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80908
Fox Run Regional Park from June 4 to June 27, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5.30-7:00 pm.
Fox Run Regional Park Main Field ~ 2110 Stella Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Our coaching philosophy pivots around two goals:
1) To create an environment where players and parents can trust and respect the coaches, towards enabling the players to develop both on and off the field in a safe and respectful environment;
2) To teach our players to be able to both lead and follow, depending on the situation. Rugby is a fast sport and we need to teach our players to be able to read the game and react to it. We believe in helping our players to really understand the game so they are able to make intelligent decisions during the game.
These two goals help us win games on the field, but more importantly help our players develop life-skills for success off the field.
Coach Riel and the Falcons Coaching Staff
Falcons Coaching Philosophy
To find out more about the Falcons, rugby as a sport, or for any general inquiries, please submit a short message to us and one of our coaches will reach out to you soon